Geraldton Tree Canopy Advocates donates plantings to primary schools for Schools Tree Day

A newly formed advocacy group is encouraging the community to plant a tree for Schools Tree Day after donating a variety of plantlings to schools across Geraldton.
After a public meeting in May, the first regional tree canopy advocates group in WA, Geraldton Tree Canopy Advocates, was formed.
The group aims to educate and encourage residents to plant more trees in Geraldton, particularly verge and street trees, and ask schools around Geraldton to plant at least one tree for Schools Tree Day on Friday, July 28.
Geraldton TCA organiser Anne Karczub said seven schools had responded with their interest in planting a tree and they had donated plantlings to Mount Tarcoola, St Lawrence’s, Allendale, Beachlands and Rangeway primary schools as well as Geraldton Grammar School.
“We hope to educate the importance of urban canopy, we can always get out and look in our own way and plant a tree,” she said.
Mount Tarcoola Primary School deputy principal Stacy Woodman said the school was proud to participate in Schools Tree Day by planting a spotted gum eucalyptus tree donated by the Tree Canopy Advocates.
“I have liaised with our school gardener to find the ideal location for the spotted gum as it a quick growing tree that flowers and will provide much shade in years to come,” she said.
“Our head boy and head girl will plant the tree this Friday and our Year 5 students will be on a roster to ensure the young tree has regular water, ensuring its survival.
“If every school in Geraldton plants one tree for School Tree Day 2023, this would be a significant number of new trees to enhance our environment.”
Beachlands Primary School’s Year 6 students will be planting a tree, while Geraldton Grammar School will plant two trees, on Friday.
For more information, visit the Geraldton TCA Facebook page.
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