Illegal overtaking crosses line

A northbound motorist has been caught dangerously crossing double white lines into a southbound overtaking lane near Greenough.
The illegal manoeuvre was captured on the dash cam footage of Mid West truck driver Marc Thomas while he was driving towards Geraldton on November 10.
Mr Thomas, a truck driver of 12 years, said he was hauling grain to Geraldton Port when the incident happened, about 3.45pm.
“It happens all the time, it’s becoming a joke,” the 32-year-old said. “There have been so many close calls.
“I can’t believe he (the motorist) couldn’t just wait the extra two minutes to use an overtaking lane.”

The Mingenew resident contacted police about the incident, who said they welcomed the public providing them with dash cam footage.
“The manner of the driving identified on the dash cam footage is clearly unsafe,” district traffic co-ordinator Senior Sergeant Drue Pardoe said.
“I have called him (Marc) already and he is going to send me his footage to see if we can obtain registration details.”
Mr Thomas said the stretch between Geraldton and Dongara seemed to be getting progressively worse.
“People can just get frustrated,” Mr Thomas said. “If they see something like a slow-moving caravan, doing 60 or 70km/h and not letting traffic past, then you start to see drivers get impatient.
“We should probably have two or three more overtaking lanes on that stretch between Dongara and Geraldton.”
According to the dash cam footage, Mr Thomas was doing 98km/h at the time of the illegal overtaking last week.
He said he would like to see the driver who overtook him have his licence taken away.

According to Geraldton police, possible infractions include crossing continuous double white lines, overtaking when unsafe and dangerous driving.
Respective penalties include a traffic infringement notice, a $150 fine and three demerit points, a traffic infringement notice, a $400 fine and four demerit points or an appearance in court.
According to Main Roads WA, there are five overtaking lanes between Dongara and Geraldton.
There are two northbound lanes. One is from near Matsen Road to Mount Horner West Road. Another is from near Greenough River Road to north of Rudds Gully Road.
There are three southbound lanes. One is from near Masten Road to north of Seven Mile Road, another is from near Bookara East Road to Butcher Road, and a third is from near Yallalong Ent to north of Rudds Gully Road
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