Shire of Northampton to repair Seroja-damaged fencing at Kalbarri football oval

The Shire of Northampton has agreed to replace 70m of fencing at the Kalbarri oval which was destroyed in cyclone Seroja.
Installed in 2009 as part of oval revitalisation works, the fencing has sustained frequent damage due to vandalism and weather events.
Shire chief executive Garry Keeffe said the current picket-style fence looked “lovely” but was “useless” and had cost the council $24,000 in repairs since its installation.
“My staff have had enough of fixing that thing,” he said.
In a report presented to council on Friday, a post and wire fence was suggested as an alternative to the picket fencing, but the solution would cost the local an estimated $63,000.
An oval boundary made of pine or recycled plastic bollards also put forward as a way of stopping cars driving on the sporting grounds.
But this option would not prevent footballs or soccer balls from entering neighbouring bushland and Mr Keeffe said the idea has not been met with “any great enthusiasm” when suggested in the past.
Due to budget constraints, councillors agreed to repair the damaged fence at a cost of about $6000, with council to reconsider replacing the fence at a later date.
The cost of repairing the partially damaged fence will be covered by insurance.
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